Popular with other people
鵝片 Goose Slices
$222.00蠔仔粥 Oyster Congee
$255.00川椒雞 Sichuan Peppercorn Chicken
$189.00白灼牛肉 (新鮮本地牛小排) Poached Beef (Fresh Local Beef Short Ribs)
$200.00魚蛋魚片鮮魚湯 Fish Ball & Sliced Fish Cake in Fish Soup
$189.00沙茶牛肉 (新鮮本地牛小排) Stir-fried Beef in Sa Cha Sauce (Fresh Local Beef Short Ribs)
$200.00欖角黑豚腩肉配潮州柑桔 Deep-fried Pork Belly with Olive Vegetable & Chiu Chow Citrus
$200.00紫菜墨魚丸鮮魚湯 Seaweed and Cuttlefish Ball Fish Soup
$200.00鵝掌翼 Goose Web & Wings
$200.00鵝喔鵝喔鵝喔 Goose Platter
外賣即棄餐具 Disposable Cutlery
外賣即棄餐具 Disposable Cutlery
為推動環保,本店已停止向客人免費提供外賣即棄餐具包。如有需要,可於點餐時點選加購「外賣即棄餐具」,每套HK$1。如未有付費選購外賣即棄餐具,即使客人在結帳前點選程式中的「需要即棄餐具」,店員都不會提供餐具予客人,不便之處,敬希見諒。為環保出一份力,減少使用即棄餐具。To protect environment, we have suspended providing free disposable cutlery sets. Customers may choose to purchase "Disposable Cutlery" with HK$1 each when placing their orders if needed. If customers have not purchased disposable cutlery, even if they select "Require cutlery" in the app or website before checkout, our staff will not provide any cutlery.$1.00
Can choose 2 topping$99.00鮮牛小排湯粉 Beef Short Ribs Noodle Soup
可選牛肉清湯或椒香清湯及麵底 | Can choose beef broth or beef broth with Sichuan peppercorn and noodle.$99.00三拼滷水飯餐
Can choose 3 topping$109.00鮮魚片魚湯米線 Sliced Fresh Fish Rice Noodle
可選滋味魚湯或沸騰魚湯及麵底 | Can choose fish broth or Sichuan style fish broth and noodle.$99.00潮式三寶粉麵 Chiu Chow Style Noodles
可選牛肉清湯或椒香清湯、配料及麵底 | Can choose beef broth or beef broth with Sichuan peppercorn, topping and noodle.$99.00潮式滷肉飯配流心蛋 Chiu Chow Style Braised Pork Rice with Soft Boiled Egg
Can choose 1 topping$89.00久両小麵 (肉碎拌麵) Gu Liang Cai Signature Spicy Noodles
久両名菜 Signature Dishes
魚蛋魚片鮮魚湯 Fish Ball & Sliced Fish Cake in Fish Soup
$189.00欖角黑豚腩肉配潮州柑桔 Deep-fried Pork Belly with Olive Vegetable & Chiu Chow Citrus
$200.00蔥油腐竹 Bean Curd with Scallion
$79.00黃金魚皮 Deep-fried Golden Fish Skin
$101.00滷水鵝頸 Marinated Goose Neck
招牌滷水 Signature Marinated Specialties
鵝喔鵝喔鵝喔 Goose Platter
鵝頭、鵝頸、鵝肝、鵝腎、鵝腸及鵝掌翼 | Goose head, goose neck, goose liver, goose kidney, goose intestines, goose web and wings.$442.00牛魔王 Beef Platter
牛𦟌及牛筋 | Beef shank and beef tendon.$255.00唐三藏 Goose Offal Platter
鵝肝、鵝腎及鵝腸 | Goose liver, goose kidney and goose intestines.$332.00豬八戒 Pork Platter
豬頭肉、豬耳、豬腩肉、豬手、 豬大腸、生腸、豬尾及紅腸 | Pig head meat, pig ear, pork belly, pork kunckle, pig intestines, pig uteri, pig tail and smoked red sausage.$442.00招牌滷拼 Mixed Marinated Platter
四拼廚師精選 Chef Recommended Four Combo$329.00
家禽 Poultry
白切雞 (例牌) Steamed Chicken (Regular)
$208.00滷水鵝 (半隻) Marinated Goose (Half)
$582.00滷水米鴨 (半隻) Marinated Rice-fed Duck (Half)
滷水例牌 Chiu Chow Marinated Delicacies (Regular)
鵝片 Goose Slices
$222.00鵝掌翼 Goose Web & Wings
$200.00鵝腸 Goose Intestines
$189.00紅腸 Smoked Red Sausage
$112.00鵝髀 Duck Thigh
$222.00溏心蛋 1隻 Soft Boiled Egg 1pc
$24.00鵝頭頸 Goose Head, Neck
鵝頭頸 Goose head, neck (滷水例牌 Chiu chow marinated delicacies (regular)).$145.00牛𦟌 Beef Shank
$211.00鵝肝 (半隻) Goose Liver (6 slices)
$186.00豆腐 1件 Tofu 1pc
$35.00鵝件 Goose
$211.00墨魚 Cuttlefish
$211.00豬手 Pork Knuckle
$200.00豬腩肉 Pork Belly
$189.00鴨舌 Duck Tongue
$189.00豬大腸 Pig Large Intestines
$145.00鵝腎 Goose Kidney
$134.00鵝頭 Goose Head
$112.00鵝頸 Goose Neck
$134.00豬頭肉 Pig Head Meat
$178.00豬耳 Pig Ear
$145.00豬生腸 Pig Uteri
$189.00豬尾 Pig Tail
$189.00牛筋 Beef Tendon
小食 Snacks
沙薑雞腳 Chicken Feet with Sand Ginger
$123.00麻辣豬耳 Spicy Mala Pig Ear
$89.00鮑汁花生雞腳 Chicken Feet with Peanut in Abalone Sauce
$123.00蜆蚧鯪魚球 Dace Fish Cakes with Clam Sauce
$156.00煎釀尖椒 Pan-fried Stuffed Peppers with Dace
$156.00蔥油腐竹 Bean Curd with Scallion
$79.00普寧炸豆腐 Puning Deep-fried Tofu
$112.00黃金魚皮 Deep-fried Fish Skin in Salted Egg Sauce
$101.00燒椒皮蛋 2隻 Century Egg with Chilli Peppers 2pcs
$79.00花生 Peanuts
$22.00酥炸軟殼蟹 Deep-fried Soft Shell Crab
湯類 Soup
紫菜墨魚丸鮮魚湯 Seaweed and Cuttlefish Ball Fish Soup
$200.00鹹菜胡椒豬肚湯 Salted Vegetable and Pig Stomach Soup with Peppercorn
$442.00魚蛋魚片鮮魚湯 Fish Ball & Sliced Fish Cake in Fish Soup
打冷、小菜 "Daa Laang" Specialties
潮州肉碎菜脯蛋 Chiu Chow Fried Eggs with Preserved Turnip and Pork
$178.00時令蔬菜 Seasonal Vegetables
$134.00川椒雞 Sichuan Peppercorn Chicken
$189.00白灼牛肉 (新鮮本地牛小排) Poached Beef (Fresh Local Beef Short Ribs)
$200.00沙茶牛肉 (新鮮本地牛小排) Stir-fried Beef in Sa Cha Sauce (Fresh Local Beef Short Ribs)
$200.00韭菜鵝紅 Goose Blood Curd with Chinese Chives
$134.00馬友咸魚炒怡保芽菜 Stir-fried Ipoh Sprouts with Salted Threadfin Fish
$211.00涼瓜排骨煲 Claypot Soup Bitter Melon Spare Rib
$178.00欖菜肉鬆四季豆 Stir-Fried String Beans with Pork
$167.00欖角黑豚腩肉配潮州柑桔 Deep-fried Pork Belly with Olive Vegetable & Chiu Chow Citrus
$200.00胡椒豬肚排骨煲 Claypot Pig Stomach and Pork Rib with Peppercorns
$233.00春菜雞煲 (採用新鮮雞) Claypot Soup Mustard Greens Chicken
$211.00脆炸蠔餅 Deep-fried Oyster Pancake
$200.00金不換花甲煲 Claypot Clams with Thai Basil
海鮮 Seafood
沸騰魚 Sichuan Style Boiling Fish
飯麵 Rice/Noodle
蠔仔粥 Oyster Congee
$255.00砵頭飯 Steamed Rice
$28.00嗱渣炒麵 Chiu Chow Style Pork Fried Noodles
$189.00潮州白粥 Chiu Chow Style Congee
$28.00核突佬炒飯 Chiu Chow Style Pork Fried Rice
飲品 Drinks
檸檬茶 (凍) Lemon Tea (Iced)
$33.00支裝汽水 Soft Drinks
$31.00醇滑嘉士伯啤酒 Carlsberg Smooth Draught Beer (Bottle/580ml)
$53.00獅威啤酒 Skol Beer (Bottle/640ml)
$53.00檸檬茶 (熱) Lemon Tea (Hot)
$31.00奶茶 (熱) Milk Tea (Hot)
$31.00奶茶 (凍) Milk Tea (Iced)
$33.00黃老吉 Wang Lao Ji